Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning

  • November 23th, 2023

Wheel Of Fortune tarot




Wheel Of Fortune Keywords

  • Upright: Destiny, Alignment, Success, Opportunities, Serendipity, Life Cycles
  • Reversed: Setbacks, Misfortune, Unpredictability, Unfulfilled potential, Resistance to change





Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Card Description


The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card represents the cyclical nature of life, embodying destiny and fate. At the center, a large wheel spins, adorned with esoteric symbols. Its colors, rich in gold and royal blue, signify prosperity and spiritual insight. Four winged creatures—angel, eagle, lion, and bull—represent the fixed signs of the zodiac, emphasizing stability amidst change. The serpent descending suggests the dual forces of creation and destruction. Anubis and Typhon, Egyptian mythological figures, highlight life's uncertainties.

The card's outer circle features the alchemical symbols for mercury, sulfur, water, and salt, symbolizing transformative energies. The Wheel signifies inevitable change, encouraging adaptability and seizing opportunities as they arise.




Wheel Of Fortune Upright


Wheel Of Fortune Tarot


The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card, when upright, embodies a powerful symbol of destiny, change, and cycles. Positioned at the center of life's wheel, it signifies positive transformation and the inevitability of fate. The vibrant colors of gold and royal blue evoke prosperity and spiritual insight, while the four winged creatures represent stability amid life's fluctuations.

This card heralds a turning point, bringing forth opportunities, good fortune, and the alignment of cosmic forces in your favor. It encourages embracing change with an open heart and a readiness to seize the moment, as the wheel of life spins towards a promising and fulfilling future.

Labradorite, Rainbow Moonstone, and Malachite seamlessly align with the dynamic energy of The Wheel of Fortune in the Tarot. Labradorite guides you through the twists of fate, Rainbow Moonstone illuminates opportunities on the wheel, and Malachite supports the positive transformation inherent in life's cycles. Embrace these crystals for a balanced and fortuitous journey through the ever-turning wheel of life.



Upright Wheel: Love

In love readings, The Wheel of Fortune upright signals a fortuitous turn in romantic destiny. It signifies positive changes, bringing about new opportunities for love and deeper connections. The wheel's spin suggests a fated encounter or a significant phase in a relationship.

Embrace the shifts with openness, as the card indicates the alignment of cosmic forces in matters of the heart. This is a time for growth, joy, and a sense of serendipity, encouraging you to be receptive to the positive transformations unfolding in your love life.



Upright Wheel: Career

In career readings, The Wheel of Fortune upright heralds a period of positive change and advancement. This card suggests that fate is on your side, bringing opportunities and a favorable turn of events in your professional life. Embrace new projects and challenges with confidence, as success and prosperity are in the cards.

It signifies a time to capitalize on your skills and seize the moment, as the wheel of your career destiny spins in your favor, aligning with positive shifts and favorable outcomes.



Upright Wheel: Money

The Wheel of Fortune upright in money readings signifies a positive and transformative shift in financial circumstances. Expect a turn of fortune, bringing unexpected opportunities and prosperity. Investments may yield favorable returns, and windfalls are possible. Embrace change and adaptability, as the wheel turns in your favor.

Financial cycles are in motion, suggesting a period of growth and abundance. Stay open to new ventures and be prepared to make the most of fortunate circumstances. This card encourages a hopeful and optimistic outlook, emphasizing that positive financial changes are on the horizon.




Wheel Of Fortune Reversed


Wheel Of Fortune Tarot


The Wheel of Fortune reversed signals a temporary setback or delay in the natural flow of life's cycles. This card cautions against resisting change and emphasizes the importance of adapting to unforeseen circumstances. Missed opportunities may arise, urging a reevaluation of current strategies. It prompts introspection to identify patterns hindering progress.

The reversal underscores the transient nature of challenges, encouraging patience and resilience. While the wheel may momentarily seem stuck, it reminds us that it will inevitably turn again. Use this time to reassess goals, break free from stagnation, and cultivate a proactive approach to navigate through the uncertainties.



Reversed Wheel: Love

In love readings, The Wheel of Fortune reversed suggests a period of relationship challenges or delays. It warns against resisting necessary changes within the partnership. There might be a temporary setback, leading to a reassessment of emotional bonds. It's crucial to address any issues openly and adapt to evolving dynamics.

Patience is key, as the wheel turns slowly, signaling a need for understanding and compromise. While love may face obstacles, this card reminds that challenges are temporary, and with conscious effort, the relationship can regain its positive momentum.



Reversed Wheel: Career

In career readings, The Wheel of Fortune reversed suggests a period of stagnation or delays in professional endeavors. Unexpected obstacles or missed opportunities may hinder progress. It advises against resisting change and encourages a flexible approach to navigate challenges. This reversal highlights the need for strategic reassessment, prompting a careful review of career goals and plans.

Again, patience is crucial as the wheel temporarily slows, but it assures that proactive measures can break the deadlock. Embrace adaptability, stay resilient, and seize opportunities when they arise to steer your career towards positive transformation.



Reversed Wheel: Money 

The Wheel of Fortune reversed in money readings suggests a temporary financial setback or unexpected obstacle. Be cautious about impulsive decisions, as the current circumstances may hinder expected gains. Delays in financial matters are possible, urging a patient and strategic approach.

It's a reminder to reassess financial plans and be flexible in adapting to changing conditions. Use this period to refine your financial strategies and avoid unnecessary risks. While challenges may arise, stay focused on long-term goals, as the wheel is bound to turn, bringing renewed opportunities and stability in due time.






Q: What does The Wheel of Fortune upright signify in love readings?
A: The upright Wheel of Fortune in love readings suggests positive changes, bringing new opportunities for romantic growth and deepening connections. It may indicate a fortunate turn in relationships, symbolizing karmic bonds and destined encounters.

Q: How does The Wheel of Fortune reversed influence love readings?
A: Reversed, The Wheel of Fortune warns of temporary challenges or delays in matters of the heart. It advises patience and adaptability, urging individuals to navigate through relationship setbacks with resilience and a willingness to embrace change.

Q: In career readings, what does The Wheel of Fortune upright indicate?
A: The upright Wheel of Fortune in career readings signifies positive career shifts, unexpected opportunities, and professional growth. It suggests a fortunate turn in one's professional life, opening doors to new possibilities and advancements.

Q: How does The Wheel of Fortune reversed impact career readings?
A: Reversed, The Wheel of Fortune in career readings signals potential setbacks or delays in professional endeavors. It advises individuals to stay adaptable, reassess their career strategies, and navigate through challenges with patience and a proactive mindset.

Q: What does The Wheel of Fortune upright mean for money readings?
A: Upright, The Wheel of Fortune in money readings indicates a positive and transformative shift in financial circumstances. It symbolizes unexpected financial gains, favorable investments, and overall prosperity.

Q: How does The Wheel of Fortune reversed influence money readings?
A: Reversed, The Wheel of Fortune in money readings warns of potential financial setbacks or delays. It advises a cautious approach to financial matters, encouraging individuals to reassess their strategies and patiently navigate through temporary challenges.

Q: What does The Wheel of Fortune upright symbolize in terms of personal growth?
A: The upright Wheel of Fortune symbolizes positive personal growth and transformative experiences. It encourages individuals to embrace change, learn from life's cycles, and cultivate resilience for a fulfilling journey of self-discovery.

Q: How does The Wheel of Fortune reversed impact personal growth?
A: Reversed, The Wheel of Fortune suggests a period of personal stagnation or setbacks. It prompts individuals to reflect on obstacles hindering growth, encouraging them to break free from patterns that may be impeding their progress.

Q: In spiritual readings, what does The Wheel of Fortune upright represent?
A: The upright Wheel of Fortune in spiritual readings symbolizes a harmonious alignment with the cosmic energies. It signifies spiritual growth, synchronicity, and a deeper connection with the universal forces guiding one's journey.

Q: How does The Wheel of Fortune reversed influence spiritual readings?
A: Reversed, The Wheel of Fortune in spiritual readings suggests temporary spiritual challenges or a sense of disconnect. It encourages individuals to introspect, identify obstacles to spiritual growth, and work towards realigning with their spiritual path.

Q: What does The Wheel of Fortune upright indicate for decision-making?
A: The upright Wheel of Fortune suggests favorable and timely decisions. It signifies that the circumstances are aligned for positive outcomes, encouraging individuals to trust their intuition and make choices that resonate with the natural flow of life.

Q: How does The Wheel of Fortune reversed impact decision-making?
A: Reversed, The Wheel of Fortune advises caution and thoughtful consideration in decision-making. It signals potential obstacles or unforeseen consequences, urging individuals to reassess their choices and be prepared to adapt to changing circumstances. 


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