The Tower Tarot Card Meaning

  • December 29th, 2023

The Tower Tarot



 The Tower Keywords

  • Upright: Sudden Change, Liberation, Awakening, Transformation, Truth
  • Reversed: Resistance to Change, Stagnation, Denial, Repressed Emotions, Inner Turmoil




The Tower Tarot Card Description


The Tower Tarot card, a powerful Major Arcana card, symbolizes unexpected upheaval and transformative change. The imagery of a burning building struck by lightning represents the destruction of false beliefs and the chaos of sudden events. Flames and falling figures reflect the energy of disruption, while the gray skies signify turmoil. Despite the upheaval, the card meanings highlight the importance of releasing old patterns to make way for a new beginning.


Symbols like the fallen crown and fiery tones emphasize necessary destruction and renewal. In a spiritual context, the Tower card represents breaking free from limitations and embracing deeper self-awareness. Its reversed position warns against resisting change or clinging to unstable foundations, whether in your love life, career, or personal growth.


When the Tower card appears in a reading, it suggests opportunities for transformation and rebuilding. It may involve meeting new people, confronting challenges like job loss or health problems, and reshaping relationships or beliefs. While the process may seem overwhelming, it ultimately leads to positive change, stability, and growth in the long run.

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The Tower Upright


Tower Tarot


Let me start this by saying: The Tower is not an inherently bad card (as seen on social media). The Tower is all about the destruction of what is not meant to be, in order to make room for what is meant to be. Is this destruction painful? Yes. But will it be worth it in the end? Also, yes. 

Upright, The Tower Tarot card signifies sudden and impactful change. It heralds revelations, breakthroughs, and the dismantling of structures that no longer serve one's highest good. Like a lightning strike, it brings swift transformation, freeing you from outdated beliefs or situations. The card encourages embracing change as a path to personal growth, leading to a more authentic and resilient self.

Crystals resonating with The Tower's transformative energy include Labradorite, Malachite, and Black Tourmaline. Labradorite promotes change by enhancing intuition; Malachite encourages breaking free from negative patterns, and Black Tourmaline shields against disruptive energies. Embrace these crystals to amplify The Tower's positive aspects, fostering intuition, liberation, and protection on your journey of transformation.



Upright Tower: Love

In love readings, The Tower upright signals sudden and transformative shifts within relationships. It signifies the breaking down of old structures, paving the way for renewed dynamics. While initially unsettling, this change can bring clarity, exposing truths and fostering growth.

Embrace the upheaval as an opportunity for deeper connections, letting go of stagnancy. It encourages addressing underlying issues, promoting authenticity, and opening the door to a more profound and fulfilling romantic experience.



Upright Tower: Career

In career readings, The Tower upright signals unexpected and transformative shifts in your professional life. Sudden changes, though initially unsettling, pave the way for necessary breakthroughs. It advises embracing innovation and being adaptable to unforeseen circumstances.

This upheaval may indicate a swift end to outdated career paths, making room for new opportunities. While it can be challenging, the card encourages viewing these changes as catalysts for personal and professional growth, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and authentic career path.



Upright Tower: Money

In financial readings, The Tower upright suggests a sudden and significant shift in monetary circumstances. It signifies unexpected financial changes, which may include unforeseen expenses or a sudden windfall. While initially disruptive, it prompts a reevaluation of financial structures and encourages adaptability.

Embrace change, adjust your approach to money matters, and be prepared for both challenges and opportunities. The upheaval can lead to a necessary financial breakthrough, urging you to reconsider investments, expenses, and overall financial strategies for long-term stability.





The Tower Reversed


Tower Tarot


Reversed, The Tower card in Tarot suggests a resistance to necessary change. It signifies avoiding inevitable upheavals or denying crucial revelations. This is the one you should fear, as it hinders your growth.

The lightning strike, now averted, hints at postponed or suppressed transformations, often due to fear or unwillingness to face uncomfortable truths. The crumbling tower, though intact, implies a shaky foundation that may lead to delayed breakdowns if ignored. This reversal may indicate a temporary reprieve from chaos, offering a false sense of security. It prompts a cautious approach, urging you to address impending issues rather than prolonging the inevitable, as avoiding change may result in more significant challenges later.



Reversed Tower: Love

Reversed, The Tower in love readings suggests avoiding necessary but potentially disruptive changes. It signals a reluctance to confront issues, leading to emotional stagnation.

Relationships may linger in a state of denial, preventing essential growth. Fear of upheaval hinders authentic connection, urging caution in facing uncomfortable truths. While stability may seem secure, it's essential to address underlying issues for genuine emotional growth and stronger bonds. The card advises navigating challenges with honesty, embracing change, and fostering a more resilient love foundation.



Reversed Tower: Career

In career readings, The Tower reversed suggests a resistance to necessary change or an avoidance of upheaval. It may indicate a reluctance to confront issues hindering professional growth.

Rather than facing challenges head-on, there's a tendency to delay necessary transformations. This could lead to stagnation and missed opportunities. It's a reminder to address underlying issues, embrace change, and proactively manage challenges to avoid potential setbacks in one's career path.



Reversed Tower: Money

In financial readings, The Tower reversed suggests a resistance to necessary changes or an avoidance of financial upheaval. It may indicate delays in addressing financial issues or a reluctance to embrace transformative opportunities. While there might be a temporary illusion of stability, underlying issues persist.

It advises caution against ignoring financial red flags, urging a proactive approach to prevent potential crises. Embrace change and address financial challenges with foresight to avoid long-term setbacks and ensure a more secure financial foundation.

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Q: What does the Tower card symbolize in a tarot reading?
A: The Tower card symbolizes sudden upheaval, transformation, and the breakdown of old belief systems. It often represents dramatic events or revelations that pave the way for spiritual growth and the creation of more solid foundations in life.


Q: What is the significance of the lightning bolt in the Tower card?
A: The lightning bolt in the Tower card depicts a force of sudden clarity or disruption. It symbolizes a powerful, unavoidable event that shatters illusions and compels change, leading to deeper understanding and spiritual development.


Q: How should one interpret a Tower moment in a tarot reading?
A: A Tower moment represents a time of intense transformation, often triggered by unexpected events. While it may feel chaotic, it ultimately allows for rebuilding and renewal, creating a stronger foundation for personal and spiritual growth.


Q: How does the Tower card apply in a career context?
A: In a career context, the Tower card may indicate job changes, disruptions at work, or shifts in professional goals. It suggests letting go of outdated practices and embracing change to build a more solid foundation for future success.


Q: What is the Tower card’s symbolic meaning in a spiritual context?
A: In a spiritual context, the Tower card represents the dismantling of limiting belief systems and the awakening to higher truths. It encourages a reevaluation of your spiritual path and alignment with your true purpose.


Q: What does the Tower card teach about resisting change?
A: The Tower card warns that resisting change can lead to greater disruption. Embracing change, no matter how challenging, is essential for growth and rebuilding stronger, healthier foundations.


Q: How do the surrounding cards influence the meaning of the Tower card?
A: The surrounding cards provide context to the Tower’s energy. For example, positive cards can indicate that the upheaval will lead to a beneficial outcome, while challenging cards may highlight deeper struggles or necessary lessons.


Q: What role does open and honest communication play when the Tower card appears?
A: When the Tower card appears, it emphasizes the importance of open and honest communication to navigate upheaval. Clear dialogue can help resolve conflicts and create a path forward during periods of uncertainty.


Q: Can the Tower card indicate spiritual breakthroughs?
A: Yes, the Tower card often signals significant spiritual breakthroughs. It prompts a reevaluation of your spiritual path, leading to newfound clarity and alignment with your true self.


Q: How does the Tower card relate to natural disasters?
A: The Tower card depicts the chaos and destruction often associated with natural disasters, symbolizing the unexpected events that force dramatic change. These moments challenge us to adapt, rebuild, and grow stronger.


Q: What does the Tower card suggest about new belief systems?
A: The Tower card encourages the dismantling of outdated or limiting beliefs to make way for new belief systems that align with your evolving perspective and personal truth.


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